Audio Version Of The Blog – 11/8/23

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If We Are at War with Each Other

547.03Question: When we are united, the Creator is in the connection between us. But how can we ask Him to hear us when we are at war with each other?

Answer: We have repeatedly said that everything depends only on our connection, first of all between Jews so that they become like one man with one heart.

Then, we will want to bring all people in the world closer to this, and through this connection; we will avoid all the troubles that are arising now and that keep approaching all of humanity.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/2/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Call Upon Him When He Is Near“

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Rise Up and Connect

943Question: In relation to the events that are taking place in the world now, I have revealed a lot of evil in myself, and on the other hand, all my friends are righteous. There is a big difference between us. What is my further work to become like my friends?

Answer: Rise above our differences between each other, unite, and embrace each other whatever our problems may be.

Imagine that these problems come to us from the Creator; there is none else but Him. And despite this, we embrace, unite, and want to be as one whole. This is our job.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah lesson 11/2/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is the Son of the Beloved and the Son of the Hated in the Work?“

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To Win the War Against Evil
In Times of Severe Trials

At the Seam of Two Lines

571.03Question: If the right line is perfection and the left one is imperfection, then what qualities should we take from the right line?

Answer: The Creator himself will lead you to the left line. All the bad will be there: rejection from friends, criticism of the group, etc. And in the right line, on the contrary, there will be everything that brings you closer to each other and to the Creator.

Question: If the right line is perfect, what is the middle line for?

Answer: The right line comes from above. We create the middle line from the left and right.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/21/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is the Measure of Faith in the Rav?“

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Right And Left Lines
In Harmony Between Two Lines
The Mechanics Of Ascension

Annulment before the Teacher

165Question: When we learn to annul ourselves before the teacher, do we learn to annul our egoism and do we become included in the upper degree? What is the spiritual meaning of this effort?

Answer: It is necessary to annul yourself before the teacher in order to understand what he says, accept what he says, and connect with what he says. These are natural things.

Question: How does adhesion with the teacher and with other Kabbalists happen?

Answer: It happens through the equivalence of qualities, like one friend with another. If you can become like a friend when you understand him, he understands you, and there are no differing opinions between you, then it turns out that you and he are as if in the same place, and therefore you come closer to each other.

Question: Can we say that the teacher is the Creator for us?

Answer: In general, yes. Because you receive from him the entire view of the Creator. The connection with the Creator happens through him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/21/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is the Measure of Faith in the Rav?“

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Following The Teacher Who Sees The Way
The Connection Between Teacher And Student

Restore the Common Connection

509Question: When there is an illness and a person goes to a doctor, does this distance them from the Creator?

Answer: Of course, it is distancing to the extent that we do not use it as a way of approaching the Creator. There must be the right intention.

Question: How can one correctly work internally with the intention so the illness of separation from the Creator is a minimum?

Answer: Be closer to friends and all together close to the Creator. First, there must be a connection between the friends, and from the depth of this connection, you can turn to Him.

That is, you will unite with your friends one on one. And once the connection among you is restored, from it, you will turn to the Creator.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/13/23, “Reinforcing Ourselves with There Is None Else Besides Him”

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In Complete Agreement with the Creator

75.01Each and every individual in society is like a wheel that is linked to several other wheels placed in a machine. This single wheel has no freedom of movement in and of itself but continues with the motion of the rest of the wheels in a certain direction to qualify the machine to perform its general function (Baal HaSulam, “Peace in The World”).

Question: What drives the mechanism of these wheels? What initiates the movement?

Answer: The Creator of course. Is there anyone else besides Him?

Remark: Typically in such mechanisms, there is some kind of main wheel that rotates all the others.

Answer: This is the Creator. We must achieve the state of spinning freely, understand what the Creator wishes to do with us, and be in complete agreement with Him.

At every moment in time, a person should be aware that he is under the authority of the Creator and wishes to act as the Creator acts with him. He must become absolutely free regarding the instructions of the Creator. In other words, what the Creator instructs him, a person performs with full willingness of mind and heart.

Question: How can I feel what the Creator wishes to do with me and not interfere with Him?

Answer: Relax, to relax means to be in absolute agreement with higher governance.

Remark: But sometimes I want to take some initiative.

Answer: Your job is to be in full alignment with the Creator.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/21/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Peace in the World”

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How Do You Sign A Covenant With The Creator?
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What Are We Correcting?

963.4Question: Where does suffering come from? What is its root? In Kabbalah, we study the light, the vessel, and the descent of light—the Creator’s desire to delight the creatures.

Answer: If you take part in the spiritual process, you take part in these pleasures. If not, the lack of pleasure drives you to participate in it. Look at yourself, the way you are spinning around in the world.

Question: Yes, I am driven by suffering. And the world? We can see where all this is leading it. Will people really understand anything based on the current events?

Answer: I do not know if they will understand or not. At the same time, the Creator gives the solution, He corrects the conditions of the problem. Then, it is even more difficult to reach a solution.

Question: We have learned that in the past, the Temples were destroyed as a consequence of breaking some degrees in the spiritual worlds. What are we correcting now?

Answer: Now we are correcting people. We must show them the way to the right state, then we will stop engaging the bad forces of nature, they will not crush or destroy us because we will act correctly. This way we will quickly come to a correction.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/20/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Peace in the World”

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The Spiritual Root Of Suffering
Why Do We Feel Suffering?
What Is The Meaning Behind Suffering

Understand Your Nature

531.02Question: The Creator gave me the opportunity to see how egoistic I am, how much my heart is still closed and not willing to let anyone in, and the fact that I used to think of myself as kind and sweet was an illusion.

Such opportunities to see your true self are not revealed every day. Does it depend on me or on the Creator?

Answer: It depends on you. The Creator will not give you new feelings if you do not strive to be connected to others in an utmost heartfelt kind of connection, connected by the heart’s desire.
From the 1st part of the Lesson of the International Kabbalistic Convention “Opening Hearts” 10/01/23, Lesson 4 “Connecting As One Man with One Heart”

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The Rapprochement of the Hearts
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There Is No Light Without Friends

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 11/8/23

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “What Is, ‘Warn the Great about the Small,’ in the Work?”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Study of the Ten Sefirot,” Vol. 1, Part 1, “Inner Observation,” Item 18

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Selected Highlights

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