Follow the Teacher

961.2Question: Let’s say that you raise the importance of some process, and a person listens to you and gets involved in it. Then you radically change the process, and he gets involved in what you say again.

But after this happens several times, a person begins to wait, does not do any actions either in one direction or the other, and accordingly loses. What is the correct way to act in this case?

Answer: I will only say one thing. Do you want to get out into the upper world? Then stop being a smartalek and wait for what I say. Close your eyes and go! Since you do not see the upper world, you have no other option but to blindly follow the recommendations of the teacher.

You can turn to any other methods, and they will tell you the same thing. How do you think you can climb to another degree?! Offer me another method!

You can go to anyone, turn to any other sources, and they will tell you the same thing! If you want to change, you should just close your eyes and follow the teacher.

First, choose a teacher with your eyes open, and you will still have to close them and blindly follow him.
Gradually, as you progress you will begin to understand, feel his path, and gradually involve analysis and synthesis of everything that happens to you on the way. There is no other way.

When you were born, did you check what Mom was doing to you?! It is the same on the spiritual path when you grow up! You have not been born into the spiritual yet, but you already want to start checking something with your earthly mind. This is why nothing works for you!

And so it is with everyone, except those who agree to annul themselves and realize that spiritual birth, as well as earthly, means the complete annulment of the present state: I cannot climb with my earthly brains and poke around in some unearthly spheres of the next degree and the next dimension because there is no man there.

At the next degree, we are all connected by our points in the heart, our desires and thoughts to the spiritual and to mutual bestowal. That is, both desire and reason merge together there.

Our next degree is a degree independent of our bodies, a degree where only our heartfelt, sensible striving for a common connection to find the common power of bestowal and love so that it will be revealed between us.

What can you do with your earthly brains that are tuned only to fill your flesh with vital animal power at that degree?! Nothing! You can only prevent yourself from getting up.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. How Can You Be Trusted?”

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