How Can You Adhere to the Mind and Heart of the Teacher?

165Question: How should a student behave correctly in order to attach himself to the state you are in?

Answer: It is not easy, I know from my own experience.

The student must try to use the heart and mind of the teacher, to glue to them as if there were none of his own.

When you try to do this, you receive a huge mind and a huge heart opposite to the teacher, and you start to act. Your mind and heart are on the left side, the teachers’ are on the right side. In the middle between them you are trying to create something that connects both of these objects. It is not simple.

There are few such people in our world and there are few among our students. There should not be many of them, but in general, they exist. They try to do it, and that means a lot. The main thing is to try! If there are many such people, they will cover quality by quantity.

Question: How can one adhere to the mind and heart of a teacher?

Answer: Just through the request to the same upper force that binds us together to help you annul before the teacher. Then he would be able to raise you like a little child. Otherwise, your egoism lifts you higher, you feel higher than the teacher, more knowledgeable, understanding, and strong, and as a result, you cannot receive anything from him.

Question: But how can a student analyze whether he is integrated in the teacher correctly?

Answer: You must begin to feel it; otherwise, you will not be able to understand.

Question: Could this be a false sensation?

Answer: It does not matter. Attempts will lead to a correct result.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Laitman’s Best Student”

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