Inheritance of Spiritual Desires

200.02Question: What is the “inheritance of the land of Israel”?

Answer: Israel, from the words “Isra-El,” means directly to the Creator: Isra—directly, El—the Creator.

To inherit the land of Israel means to unite with desires directed toward the Creator. These desires are passed through inheritance. Therefore, all the sons of Israel are heirs to the land of Israel. This refers to spiritual substance, not corporeal land.

Question: Does it mean there are heirs and those who will not inherit these desires?

Answer: Yes, it depends only on whether a person yearns to unite with the Creator. Being born a Jew is not enough; it means absolutely nothing. Any person can develop the desire to connect with the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/4/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Three Lines”

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The Nation of Israel and the Land of Israel
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