Actions in a Group of Like-Minded People

938.01Question: In Rabash’s articles, it says that on one hand friends should be equal to me, then I can unite with them. On the other hand I must see the same friend as equal to myself, and another time higher than myself. When and how is this regulated?

Answer: To the extent a person can combine these two approaches within himself, he does that. It all balances out mutually. A friend relates to me as I relate to him, and we unite and move toward the Creator.

Comment: It is not clear where to find the energy for this. Your teacher Rabash writes that although we have no commandment to love our children, from nature there is a natural love for them; otherwise, there would be no continuation of the species. But here, it turns out that we must perform some unnatural actions.

My Response: Yes, these actions are not natural, and few people have the ability, impulse, and understanding to carry them out.

Question: So where do we get the energy to perform them?

Answer: From friends who initially have some inclination toward this. These are individuals who have this inclination. If they gather together under the guidance of an instructor or teacher who correctly directs them toward unity, they connect into one group and move forward in this way.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 4/11/24

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