Connect the Spiritual Roots

939.02Question: In Kabbalistic articles, it says it is a necessity to strive for equality among ourselves. Why specifically toward equality? What does a person gain when he reaches this state?

Answer: In a group, one should strive to be able to help his friends as much as possible. This is your movement forward and the advancement of all the friends. As you set a good example to your friends, each begins to work the same way. As a result, all of you reach the goal.

Question: But what is this state—equality? What is its benefit? When I am higher than a friend, I understand that I can inspire him. When he is higher than me, I can learn something from him. And what do I gain if we are equal?

Answer: Equality as such cannot exist at all because we are all different. Everyone has natural spiritual roots, another soul. And therefore, each person can enrich the other.

When Kabbalah students unite with each other, all their spiritual roots unite and form what is called the Tree of Life. That is, by merging, they can evoke a great light from above, which reveals the entire system of creation to them.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 1/16/24

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