Audio Version Of The Blog – 2/3/24

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Attack on Egoism

530Question: How do we ensure we are not deceiving ourselves in the ten?

Answer: It is not easy. Gather together and be open with each other. Check how much you can be transparent with one another. Unite so that nothing remains outside your connections, and attack your egoism.

Question: Does this mean we completely annul ourselves?

Answer: In general, yes. The ten should reach a state where everyone feels each other and starts helping each other rise higher and higher, and even higher. This is how you work on yourselves. You need to learn this. But learning this is possible only through practice.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/18/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Sing unto the Lord, for He Has Done Pride”

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Fulfill What the Creator Intended

571.03Question: To work in spirituality, we must make efforts. Some friends say: “But everything comes from the Creator. I will sit from morning until evening and do nothing.” What is the difference between our efforts together and the condition of there is none else besides Him?

Answer: Everything that the Creator did, He did so that people, His creations, would continue what He had planned. Moreover, He has prepared all the problems in the world in advance, and they all appear in accordance with our development to push our further growth.

Therefore, you must try to understand the sources correctly, and then you will understand everything.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/17/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Field that the Lord Has Blessed”

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What Do You Do When The Creator Is Everywhere?
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Enter the Creator’s Palace

268.02Question: What does it mean to enter the palace, and what are the changes in a person regarding his work?

Answer: To enter the palace of the Creator means to be with Him in conjunction with your and His external form as one whole. It is not a merger with the Creator, but a convergence with Him.

Question: How do you overcome all obstacles that the Creator gives? How can you avoid thinking that the door may be closed and open it?

Answer: It is possible only if several people move in the same direction and press the door together. The rejecting forces are not stronger than you. It all depends on how much you are in it together.

Your task is to merge with the Creator, that is, to cling to the property of bestowal, to the property of giving, to the property through which you can connect with all creations.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/15/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Sage Comes to Town”

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Questions about Spiritual Work—70

281.02Question: What should I do if it seems to me that my desire is greater than that of my friends? Do I need to annul my desire?

Answer: No, on the contrary, include the friends in yours and you continue to expand your desires and direct them to the Creator.

Question: When I ask myself why am I following this path, I get an answer from my mind—so that everyone can achieve final correction. But on the level of feelings, I cannot connect with it. How do you ask yourself the right question so that the mind awakens a feeling?

Answer: Ask the Creator to allow your feelings to unite and rise to Him.

Question: It says there must be a desire for both the spiritual or the material. Is it possible to say that the material is the external performance of actions and the spiritual is the intention for these actions, and they should be as one?

Answer: Yes, although we should not emphasize the physical execution. The most important thing for us is to strive for a spiritual desire for bestowal.

Question: How can a person develop feelings and determine what harms and what benefits him?

Answer: Everything that brings him closer to his friends and together with his friends to the Creator is for his benefit.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/22/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “There Cannot Be an Empty Space in the World”

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Questions about Spiritual Work—69
Questions about Spiritual Work—68
Questions about Spiritual Work—67