Audio Version Of The Blog – 2/22/24

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“Knowledge vs. Wisdom: Unraveling the Secrets of the Book of Life” (Times of Israel)

Michael Laitman on the Times of Israel: “Knowledge vs. Wisdom: Unraveling the Secrets of the Book of Life

A sage once said, “A person must acquire both knowledge and wisdom.” When he was asked about the difference, he replied: “Knowledge is achieved by reading books, and wisdom is achieved by reading the book that you yourself are.”

What kinds of books are we? We are the book of life with all of the experiences we have in life.

Reading this book of life requires remembering and understanding how we live. Our lives write this book but only we can be imbued with it and understand it if we leaf through it. Writing, in this case, means that we write this book. At every moment of our lives, we solve various problems that are set for us, and move them into action. We thus need to understand how it all unfolds.

We write the book of life with doubts and blood, i.e., suffering. We have been living in such a way for thousands of years, and everything that has taken place is written in this book. There is no other way, and there is nothing for us to regret. Rather, all the suffering that we have been though was necessary to write this book of life.

The last lines in the book of life, which it leads to, are those that encourage us to open our eyes wider and observe the world with clarity. We would then see that only we paint a picture of this world and ourselves inside it, and there is no reality other than what we determine.

We determine the existence of this world and make it exactly the way it is. In reality, there is no world. We define it. For instance, do we exist? It is whatever we define. In other words, we determine that we live in such and such a world, and we determine that it is us inside this world. There is nothing but our impression of what and how we write. If we reach such a level of awareness, then we can say that it is where the book has led us. In other words, the last lines in the book of life are that we get to know the world we find ourselves in. That is how we are guided by various blows of suffering—to acquire knowledge of the world where we live.

The result of reading the book of life is that we accept and agree with everything that happens and has happened to us. People are generally afraid and hope that they will receive something good at the end of their hard lives. The good that we can receive is that we accept everything. That is the result of our lives and this book of life. In other words, the result of our lives is to understand the real nature in which there is a clear law, that of “each according to their work on themselves.” We accept and agree with this law to the extent in which we realize it.

Questions about Spiritual Work—81

963.4Question: In spirituality, we must start working before we gain strength. What kind of strength are we talking about?

Answer: We must do spiritual work, even if we do not have the strength—unite with each other or do something for the sake of others, for the sake of bestowal. We ask for strength, even though we have no idea how to do it.

Question: It says that the material order already corresponds to the final correction. How can the order in corporeality correspond to the final correction if everything is not corrected?

Answer: In corporeality, strength precedes action, and in spirituality, action precedes strength. But yet this is not tangible to us, and not entirely clear.

Question: How can one find a balance between spirituality and corporeality to avoid deviating too much in either direction?

Answer: If you think only about spirituality, you can do whatever you want in corporeality.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/9/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “There Is a Difference between Corporeality and Spirituality”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—80
Questions about Spiritual Work—79
Questions about Spiritual Work—78

Unique Article

198Baal HaSulam’s article “The Last Generation” is a unique article written in the 50s of the last century. He wrote it specifically to show the future from the past, a program for the spiritual development of humanity.

The article is intended for a generation that must choose what to exist for, where we are going, what attracts us. This is exactly what Baal HaSulam is interested in. He seeks to show how spiritual laws are manifested in all areas of our lives, and we must reach a state where we think together about the last generation that is now being formed.

Baal HaSulam was a great visionary and prophet. A prophet is a person who has a connection with the upper force, the Creator, with the system of the worlds, and at the same time with our world. Therefore, it can serve as a link between our world and the upper one.
From KabTV’s “Era of the Last Generation” 2/4/24

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The Pain For All Mankind
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The Secret Practices Of A Kabbalist

The Mystery of the Universe

209Question: On one hand everything in the Torah is encrypted because the secrets of the universe must be hidden since people can misunderstand them. But when you begin to analyze the Torah, everything fits into one rule: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” What is there to hide?

Answer: The fact is that in nature, inside us, in the upper governance that controls us from above, there is indeed a lot that is incomprehensible. There is no secret in this. The only secret is how we can reveal what we do not understand, get closer to the Creator, enter into His governance, look into Him, and understand Him.

Question: It is still unclear; so many books have been written, even in two languages: Hebrew and Aramaic, tens of thousands of pages! And all this just so that we can unite together and love each other! Why write so much about this? Is there really no other way for people to understand that they must unite?

Answer: In order to unite, you can write one sentence. But we see that it does not work. Therefore, a system of forces is offered that affects a person and helps him transform himself in similarity to the Creator.

Just as all of nature consists of a unity of opposites, since it was created due to the combination of different elements and parts, so people with completely different qualities must unite with each other. This process has been going on for hundreds of thousands of years throughout the universe.
From KabTV’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” 1/21/24

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Everything Is Accommodated To A Goal
Accelerating Exponentially
The Meaning Of Kabbalistic Books, Part 3

Then the Pain and Suffering Will Disappear

963.4Question: from Anya:

You often say that you need to be happy. How can we be happy about what is happening today? There is no joy today. Today you are afraid of tomorrow. There’s so much grief around today, how can I be happy? How to be happy?

My Response: A person should strive to comprehend the meaning of life and see that the meaning of life is for life itself to be revealing to you:  what it is for, why it is, and where it leads through animal death, in general, where it leads us and where it pulls us. A person should strive for this revelation.

Question: In principle, do we understand that from birth to “coffin” is a segment of my life?

Answer: This is a period of life that, in general, does not count as life, because you are following some clear instinctive instructions of nature here. You act in accordance with the order to survive, get comfortable, suffer less, and so on.

Question: And so, I have to jump out of this state?

Answer: Yes. You have to jump out of this state in order to feel the meaning of existence.

Question: Where is the joy here?

Answer: The joy here is in comprehending the whole universe. Joy is in understanding the meaning.

Question: Anya asks: “How can you be happy today when all this is happening?”

Answer: When you understand what all this is for and how much every movement of inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human nature, everything is aimed at revealing the mystery of life.

Question: Is it possible to link what is happening around, suffering and horrors, to this chain, the disclosure of the mystery of life?

Answer: Of course, that is what all this is for.

Question: And when it hurts?

Answer: When it hurts, then it is all the more necessary to understand that all this leads us eventually to a sense of inner meaning.

Question: And does this lead to joy?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And what happens to the pain?

Answer: The pain disappears. If we know exactly what for, why, and for what, we become included in it, then there is no pain, and everything becomes meaningful.

Question: Breakdowns happen here; what do I lose again and find again in this movement?

Answer: They happen so often that you think that is how it should be.

Question: So, I’m going to lose and find, lose and find, this meaning of life?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And it’s still considered that I’m getting stronger and getting closer?

Answer: You are getting stronger all the time and moving forward.

Question: Is there no other way to move toward this?

Answer: No, immersion in the meaning of life is the comprehension of the Creator.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/8/24

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What Is The Meaning Behind Suffering
A World Without Suffering
How To Manage Pain

Think About What Should Be Now

528.01Question: When we gather together for workshops and various events, how do we understand that we have attracted the reforming light?

Answer: If you connect with each other and in your common desire strive together toward the Creator, then what you receive from this is a consequence of your common Kli, a common soul. We must strive for this.

Question: At this stage, we seem to be rubbing our hearts, trying to open up to each other, meaning, to become like one soul.

Will there come a time when we will have to weigh every word and action?

Answer: Do not think about the future. Think about what should be now; open your hearts to each other.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/6/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “One’s Soul Shall Teach Him”

Related Material:
What Is the Rubbing of Hearts?
Friends For A Purpose
Workshop In A Circle And Practical Kabbalah – Part 4

The View from the Left Line

571.08Question: What is the correct support when it comes to the left line? Is it that a person checks his true state?

Answer: The left line is a line of self–criticism in which we keep an open mind about our state and scrutinize it.

Therefore, before turning on the left line, a person should check himself well and position himself correctly. Only then can he look at what is happening through the left line.

Question: How can I convey love to my friends in the left line?

Answer: Despite the fact that you are inclined to criticize them, try to convey your love to them.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/7/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Clean and Righteous Do Not Kill”

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At the Seam of Two Lines
Right And Left Lines
In Harmony Between Two Lines

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 2/22/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “What Is Half a Shekel in the Work – 1″

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Study of the Ten Sefirot,” Vol. 3, Part 10

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3rd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “You Have Made Me in Behind and Before”

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Selected Highlights

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Try To Work for the Sake of Bestowal

528.04Question: What is this state when there is a desire to move from one ten to another? If there is a flaw here, what is it, and how should we treat it?

Answer: You should treat it negatively. A person who is in a ten can only increase his or her bestowal to the same ten.

Question: It is easier for me to connect and justify the ten in my thoughts than to participate in a virtual meeting because there I feel the rejection. What is the problem?

Answer: The problem is that you do not want to perform a spiritual action in your connection with the ten. Try to work for the sake of bestowal. It does not really matter how it turns out. You cannot check it yet, but it will work out eventually.

Question: How can you understand that during a workshop the ten brought contentment to the Creator, and did not just amuse their egos?

Answer: It depends on how it feels about what it discovers, either the state of faith above reason or reason above faith.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/9/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “There Is a Difference between Corporeality and Spirituality”

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An Effort to Understand Each Other
Who Is the Problem?
If a Friend Distanced Himself from the Ten