Try To Work for the Sake of Bestowal

528.04Question: What is this state when there is a desire to move from one ten to another? If there is a flaw here, what is it, and how should we treat it?

Answer: You should treat it negatively. A person who is in a ten can only increase his or her bestowal to the same ten.

Question: It is easier for me to connect and justify the ten in my thoughts than to participate in a virtual meeting because there I feel the rejection. What is the problem?

Answer: The problem is that you do not want to perform a spiritual action in your connection with the ten. Try to work for the sake of bestowal. It does not really matter how it turns out. You cannot check it yet, but it will work out eventually.

Question: How can you understand that during a workshop the ten brought contentment to the Creator, and did not just amuse their egos?

Answer: It depends on how it feels about what it discovers, either the state of faith above reason or reason above faith.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/9/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “There Is a Difference between Corporeality and Spirituality”

Related Material:
An Effort to Understand Each Other
Who Is the Problem?
If a Friend Distanced Himself from the Ten

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