Audio Version Of The Blog – 2/29/24

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Lose Yourself for the Sake of a New Degree

276.02The efforts that one makes are but preparations for achieving devotion. Hence, one should grow accustomed to devotion, since no degree can be achieved without devotion, as this is the only tool that qualifies one to be rewarded with all the degrees (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 208, “Labor”).

Question: What does it mean to lose yourself for the sake of a new degree? Is that sacrificing oneself without knowing the state we are going to?

Answer: It means losing your egoism, to stop feeling it. Without this, we will not be able to rise to the following degree. Therefore, we must be ready to sacrifice our ego.

Question: Do we sacrifice our qualities or some levels of the desire to receive?

Answer: In principle, we do not sacrifice anything. We agree that the upper light gradually annuls our egoism. Before any new state comes to us from the Creator through our friends, we must annul ourselves and be ready to help each other in everything.

We need to be in this direction all the time, to want to get closer to the Creator, to turn our state in such a way as to be in unity with Him. The main thing is to not stop and move forward. There is a better future prepared for all of us.

Question: How can we effectively build a new level so that it is in love and bestowal?

Answer: To do this you just have to love.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/18/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Labor”

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Make an Atomic Bomb and Stay Silent

229To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me (Isaac Newton).

Question: What do you think of that?

Answer: That is normal. Precisely because he explored and felt the world, he calls himself a child.

Question: Because he saw what the world is like?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And he says that he just found a few pebbles, that he was lucky. He doesn’t get proud of the fact that he is like that. He says: “All this was given to me.” Where has all this gone today? Nowadays scientists do not think like that.

Answer: Today it is no longer possible to investigate the world using such methods of internal contemplation. And this is exactly what he used. Today they use technical and technological methods.

That is why there are no more Newtons. The last Newton was in the form of, I would say, Lev Landau. There was no one after him.

Question: Then what is your definition of a scientist?

Answer: A scientist is one who wants to understand the meaning of the existence of our world. It does not matter what he is: biologist, technologist, who, or what. If he seeks to understand the nature of the existence of our world, then he is a true scientist.

Question: Basically, over time, does it turn out that the Newtons have been exterminated?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Why were they brought down? Why did it all come to this current state?

Answer: Nobody likes scientists. Nobody. Not a single scientist could rise as much as he was supposed to by nature. Science is in conflict with government—any government! That is why no one respects them.

Different kinds of seminars and academies are organized for them. This is true. And shut up! Make an atomic bomb for us, space flight, all sorts of rockets, planes, guns—and stay silent.

Question: What do you think if we took Newton from that time and transferred him here—as he is, without the influence of anyone else—how would he respond to these instructions to make a nuclear bomb, a hydrogen bomb, or to create weapons? Would he go for it or not?

Answer: I think he would not. Each scientist, in accordance with the depth of his attainment, simultaneously feels the height of science and cannot connect it with those egoistic, mercantile demands that the government offers him.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/25/23

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The Land Flowing with Milk and Honey

627.1Question: What is “the land flowing with milk and honey.” This must have some kind of spiritual basis, what is it?

Answer: The land flowing with milk and honey means that from our base (where we are), there is both the light of Hassadim and the light of Hochma, which complement each other in their connection, and we will never have problems in this.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/12/24, Writings of Rabash “What Is, ‘The Smell of His Garments,’ in the Work?”

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Be in Joy

572.02Question: It says that one who serves the Creator should be joyful. What is this state of inner joy?

Answer: If I am striving toward the Creator, then I should feel joy from this alone.

Although I am still far from getting close to Him, I must constantly think about Him, imagine that I have a connection with Him, turn to Him all the time, and be happy.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/14/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “My Adversaries Curse Me All the Day”

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Everything Is Resolved at the Roundtable

528.01Question: How should we work internally and externally when a desire to convince and defend our opinion to others appear when scrutinizing Kabbalistic sources?

Answer: This is not right and it shouldn’t be like this. Try not to get involved in such matters at all.

Let everyone express their opinion, and then find out why it is this way and different way. But everything should be decided at a roundtable, preferably when the ten is complete.

Question: What follows from what: individual work from the work in the group or the work in the group from the individual attainment of the internal work?

Answer: It is interconnected. You cannot determine one of the parameters. They always affect each other and mutually determine each other.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/13/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Rewarded—I Will Hasten It”

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The Spiritual Ten

530Question: How can one practically discern the difference between their current ten and the same ten on ascent to a spiritual level?

Answer: Try to lower yourself to the level of the ten and agree to unite with friends under any conditions. In this case, you will feel connected with them, which will be enough to start the spiritual ascent together.

Question: What is a spiritual ten in which we should establish a connection at a higher level?

Answer: A spiritual ten is my ten. However, until now I have not experienced this state, nor have I felt it.

Question: What will be revealed in it then?

Answer: Connection with the light, with the upper world.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/16/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Foreword to The Book of Zohar

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The Language of Holiness and the Language of Translation

526The language of the translation is close to the holy tongue, yet the angels do not need it and do not know it, while they do need and know the languages of the nations of the world. The language of translation is posterior, VAK of the holy tongue, since VAK are called posterior and sleep, without Mochin, which are GAR. For this reason, the translation is truly very close to the holy tongue (Rashbi, Zohar for All, “Heaven and Earth”).

Question: What are these two languages: one, Hebrew, is holy and the other, Aramaic, is reverse of it?

Answer: The holy language is called Hebrew because it conveys the direct influence of the Creator on all of creation. And the reverse language, as an imprint from Hebrew, is called Aramaic. Many books on Kabbalah, including The Book of the Zohar, are written in Aramaic.

Question: Why is Hebrew not enough?

Answer: Because the two languages complement each other and describe the whole creation. The point is that creation must be described in such a way that is understandable to everyone.

Moreover, it is crucial to understand that Hebrew and Aramaic are not just two opposite languages, but are an expression of the forces of creation, and that is why we use both. After all, how can these languages be opposite at all? For example, The Book of Zohar and Talmud are mainly written in Aramaic, while other primary sources are in Hebrew. Yet in principle, both Aramaic and Hebrew convey the Creator’s attitude toward creation. The choice of language depended on the period of writing and for whom the books were written.

Aramaic was once a more common language. It was not only read and written, but also spoken. It gradually fell out of use.
From KabTV’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar“1/21/24

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An Inseparable Pair: Hebrew And Aramaic
The Two Kabbalistic Languages
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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 2/29/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “There Is No Blessing in an Empty Place in the Work?”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Study of the Ten Sefirot,” Vol. 3, Part 10, Item 15

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Selected Highlights

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