Everything Is Resolved at the Roundtable

528.01Question: How should we work internally and externally when a desire to convince and defend our opinion to others appear when scrutinizing Kabbalistic sources?

Answer: This is not right and it shouldn’t be like this. Try not to get involved in such matters at all.

Let everyone express their opinion, and then find out why it is this way and different way. But everything should be decided at a roundtable, preferably when the ten is complete.

Question: What follows from what: individual work from the work in the group or the work in the group from the individual attainment of the internal work?

Answer: It is interconnected. You cannot determine one of the parameters. They always affect each other and mutually determine each other.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/13/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Rewarded—I Will Hasten It”

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