Audio Version Of The Blog – 2/7/24

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Revealing a Portion and Covering Two

209Question: As a rule, great sages, when they are about to reveal something sublime, begin their speech with the words: “Behold, I reveal a portion and cover two portions.” Does this also apply to The Book of Zohar?

Answer: Yes, where a Kabbalist reveals something, he simultaneously conceals it. After all, if he does not conceal it, all the actions he attains will be revealed to the whole world, and everyone can use them. As it is, only Kabbalists can use them, and only to the extent they are advanced.

Question: What is the point of revealing if you conceal twice as much?

Answer: So that they study.

Question: When I leave the program after your explanations, sometimes I understand it even less.

Answer: That makes sense also.

Question: Now, I am trying to ask you to decipher The Book of Zohar as much as possible. Do you think it is beneficial? Or is it better for a person to just read, and that is it? It will affect him. Is there any point in deciphering it?

Answer: You need to be able to decipher it. We must read The Book of Zohar and try to decipher what is in it. Gradually, from guesses, you will come to conclusions and from conclusions to revelation.

Question: Should we try to cling on even through the mind?

Answer: Yes, and ask! Ask for this to be revealed to you.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 1/7/24

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How to Read The Book of Zohar
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Enter the Common Heart

929Question: What single thought, feeling, or aspiration must one hold in order to enter this convention and stay in it? What kind of thought and feeling will make it possible to enter the common heart and to open one’s heart?

Answer: Create all the conditions so that you can be together in one heart, and then your heart will feel the Creator and begin to communicate with Him.

The main condition is to feel each other and yearn to be in one heart.

Question: How can one be awarded the quality of giver of the Torah?

Answer: In order to be awarded this quality, first we need to come closer to each other, to unite, and make sure that we all feel our ten. Each one should ask for everyone else and turn to the Creator with the request to lead us forward.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/24/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Known in the Gates”

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Preserve and Increase

938.03Question: We felt the importance and activation of all forces at the convention. What would you recommend to keep our thought, concentration, and focus turned on?

Answer: We constantly talk about the importance of helping each other. Without mutual help between friends, we will not be able to connect into one whole, and the Creator will not treat us as a complete Kli.

Question: We have the impression that the state of an open heart and love between us has been revealed in a new, reverent sensation. How can we preserve this feeling in order to keep spirituality in everyday life?

Answer: To do this, it is necessary to not only preserve, but also increase this feeling. If you want to keep some kind of state, you need to use it and maintain it.
From the World Kabbalah Convention “Life in the Ten” 1/28/24, “Each One Shall Help His Friend,” Lesson 3

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Let Everyone Enter Into My Heart
Let’s Open Our Hearts
Convention Like The Beating Of One Heart

Taking Care of the Friends

528.01Question: How can I lift a friend’s spirit if I myself am in a descent?

Answer: You should come to the lessons and meetings in order to lift your and everyone else’s spirits, and do not fall onto the group without preparation, with your negative mood.

Question: What should we do when a friend has a problem and we feel it, but he does not ask for help from the group?

Answer: We must, without naming names, perform actions that will help everyone to gather together, connect, and correctly aim ourselves at the Creator.

As a result, we will get what we are yearning for—the next, spiritual, degree.
From the World Kabbalah Convention “Life in the Ten” 1/28/24, “Each One Shall Help His Friend,” Lesson 3

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The Right Connection

934It follows that when every person regards himself as nothing in society, then he regards himself as a heel compared to the society, while they are the head, the body, and the higher organs. When each one thinks of himself in this way, they make the gates of abundance and every lushness in the world open up to them… (Maor VaShemesh, Ekev).

Each individual should imagine what they should be like in a group, in the ten. If they consider themselves the smallest, insignificant relative to the friends, then they actually obtain the right connection with the others, and thus they all unite under the Creator.

Question: To do this action correctly, do I need to either imagine myself as small or my friends as big?

Answer: It is better to do both, whichever is more convenient. Either your friends are big, and you are the same as you were, or you are small, and they are bigger than you and are even growing.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/26/24, “Preparation to “Life in the Ten” Convention”

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Every Day Should Be as New in Your Eyes

291Each day we must give to the Creator everything that he has been through, whether Mitzvot or transgressions, and begin anew (Rabash, Letter No. 29).

Question: While working in the ten and in the group, very often we take inspiration from past conventions. What does the article mean when it says: Give to the Creator everything that we have been through whether Mitzvot or transgressions and begin anew?

Answer: Every day, we must start with a clean slate, as it is written: “Each day, they will be as new in your eyes.” In this way we start every day with a clean slate; based on yesterday’s and past achievements, I do today’s work much better.

Question: But Rabash writes to forget the past. What should I forget?

Answer: You are not interested in what happened. You take only the work you can do and the data you have today.

Question: What can I take from yesterday?

Answer: You are already taking everything you have from yesterday. But the most important thing is that you do not want to repeat yesterday, every day should be as new in your eyes.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/24/24, Writings of Rabash “Letter 29”

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Pass the Light to the World

944Question: You have told us that we are attracting the light of Hassadim within the ten to enliven everyone. What does it mean to enliven everyone with the light?

Answer: To revive everyone with the light means that everyone would see, be convinced, feel, and realize that the entire world can become connected in the light of the Creator, in the light of Hassadim. After that, the Creator will manifest Himself in this world as the light of Hochma.

Attracting the light of Hassadim and passing it to the world is possible only through love for each other, by involvement, by mutual help, and annulling oneself toward others.

Question: Can each of us and every ten in general pass the force of the entire group to humanity, or is it necessary to be in attainment to be able to do this?

Answer: Definitely! For this, it is necessary to be in attainment; otherwise, what can you convey?
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/16/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Why We Need to Extend Hochma”

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 2/7/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “What Is the ‘Torah’ and What Is ‘The Statute of the Torah,’ in the Work?”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Study of the Ten Sefirot,” Vol. 2, Part 7, Item 23

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3rd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”

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Selected Highlights

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