Pass the Light to the World

944Question: You have told us that we are attracting the light of Hassadim within the ten to enliven everyone. What does it mean to enliven everyone with the light?

Answer: To revive everyone with the light means that everyone would see, be convinced, feel, and realize that the entire world can become connected in the light of the Creator, in the light of Hassadim. After that, the Creator will manifest Himself in this world as the light of Hochma.

Attracting the light of Hassadim and passing it to the world is possible only through love for each other, by involvement, by mutual help, and annulling oneself toward others.

Question: Can each of us and every ten in general pass the force of the entire group to humanity, or is it necessary to be in attainment to be able to do this?

Answer: Definitely! For this, it is necessary to be in attainment; otherwise, what can you convey?
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/16/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Why We Need to Extend Hochma”

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