Every Day Should Be as New in Your Eyes

291Each day we must give to the Creator everything that he has been through, whether Mitzvot or transgressions, and begin anew (Rabash, Letter No. 29).

Question: While working in the ten and in the group, very often we take inspiration from past conventions. What does the article mean when it says: Give to the Creator everything that we have been through whether Mitzvot or transgressions and begin anew?

Answer: Every day, we must start with a clean slate, as it is written: “Each day, they will be as new in your eyes.” In this way we start every day with a clean slate; based on yesterday’s and past achievements, I do today’s work much better.

Question: But Rabash writes to forget the past. What should I forget?

Answer: You are not interested in what happened. You take only the work you can do and the data you have today.

Question: What can I take from yesterday?

Answer: You are already taking everything you have from yesterday. But the most important thing is that you do not want to repeat yesterday, every day should be as new in your eyes.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/24/24, Writings of Rabash “Letter 29”

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