The Right Connection

934It follows that when every person regards himself as nothing in society, then he regards himself as a heel compared to the society, while they are the head, the body, and the higher organs. When each one thinks of himself in this way, they make the gates of abundance and every lushness in the world open up to them… (Maor VaShemesh, Ekev).

Each individual should imagine what they should be like in a group, in the ten. If they consider themselves the smallest, insignificant relative to the friends, then they actually obtain the right connection with the others, and thus they all unite under the Creator.

Question: To do this action correctly, do I need to either imagine myself as small or my friends as big?

Answer: It is better to do both, whichever is more convenient. Either your friends are big, and you are the same as you were, or you are small, and they are bigger than you and are even growing.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/26/24, “Preparation to “Life in the Ten” Convention”

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