Invest in Friends

938.04Question: It is said: first, make yourself a Rav. What does that mean?

Answer: Rav, from the word “great,” a teacher. “Make” means approaching him with gifts, participation, friendliness, etc.

Comment: I remember you explained that if we talk about the Creator, “make” means I must accept the upper governance. That is, I agree that He requires the quality of bestowal from me.

My Response: Yes, you will come to that eventually but not at the beginning of your relationship.

In principle, making yourself a Rav and buying a friend relates more to the friend. If you have a group of friends before you, you should “buy” them, meaning invest in them, “buy” their attention so they can respond to you similarly and there is a mutual guarantee between you. That is mutual work.

To make a Rav out of a friend, you must see him as great, and then you will acquire all spiritual qualities through him. It is precisely in connection with friends and rising above yourself that you can acquire spiritual qualities through them.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 4/11/24

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