Entries in the 'Spiritual Teacher' Category

How Can We Attain the Significance of the Creator?

961.2Question: How can all of Bnei Baruch, all the groups, attach themselves to the significance of the Creator that you possess?

Answer: You should not strive for that. You should strive to establish a connection between yourselves and feel the Creator within this connection.

Question: Where will you be in this process?

Answer: I will be somewhere nearby. I say this very seriously. I do not want you to feel obligated or dependent on me. Your development should be free.

Question: Can we, by awakening the significance of the Creator between us, use you as an example so the importance of the Creator you possess merges with ours?

Answer: I am ready for that. You can use me however you like.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/2/24, Writings of Rabash “Justice, Justice You Shall Pursue”

Related Material:
On What Should One Focus in Spiritual Work?
A Spiritual Orientation Toward The Creator
The Three Components Of The Ascent

Go Forward, Do Not Linger!

219.01Question: What gives a person the strength to not be afraid to take a step forward every moment and to add efforts to spiritual work? What precedes this?

Answer: This is preceded by studying the articles that our teachers wrote to us.

We can safely be guided by them and follow their instructions to get closer to the Creator.

Question: What helps not to look for excuses, not to go along with them, but to overcome them despite everything?

Answer: The Creator expects you to advance, and therefore, advance, do not linger.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/27/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “His Divorce and His Hand Come as One”

Related Material:
Move Forward With Closed Eyes
Always Forward And Not A Step Back
The Way A Caterpillar Crawls

Remedy for Slander

962.1Question: Is there any remedy for slander? Other than prayer, what can help here? How can a person stop himself?

Answer: Take care of yourself, your correction. Guide yourself toward the right goal. And then you will have not time and thoughts to slander someone, condemn them, or discuss them. All this will be removed from your desires.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 3/7/24

Related Material:
Rise Above Speaking Critically
The Remedy For Slander
A Gossip Or A Friend?

Internal Сonnection with Great Teachers

165Question: How should we build an internal connection with our great teachers—with Baal HaSulam, Rabash, and with you, and through them with the authors of The Book of Zohar—in order to gradually approach an understanding of what they want to convey to us?

Answer: We must build our unity starting with the types of connections that now exist between us in mutual assistance and mutual connection with each other.

We can reach a state in which we exist as if in one body into which we will begin to receive the spiritual light—the light of The Book of Zohar.

And so we will gradually approach an understanding of what this book wants to tell us.

We need to perceive our teachers as closely as possible, as if they fill us. And the more we strive for them, the closer they will approach us. Eventually we will begin to feel them existing directly within us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/15/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “To Understand the Words of The Zohar

Related Material:
How To Start Hearing The Teacher
A Real Teacher
A Real Teacher Is Felt With The Heart

Purity of Thoughts

510.01Question: What is the danger of slander in a Kabbalistic society of people who unite and want to reach the Creator in a small group?

Answer: The purpose of Kabbalah is to lead us to the revelation of the Creator, to equivalence with Him, so that a person adhering to the Creator would urge Him to correct our world, and humanity would ascend to the highest level of its existence.

Therefore, Kabbalah advocates the correct use of the urge to slander, to clarify. I think we have it ahead of us.

Question: There is a state when a student slanders his teacher, in his thoughts, not out loud. How can we deal with this, and what should we do about it?

Answer: This is bad. Verbal expressions or just thoughts of one person, of course, differ from the thoughts of other people nearby. But, in general, if we calculate according to his sensations, his inner feelings are first accounted. And if we are talking about some kind of higher court, a court of justice, of truth, then everything that one thinks of another is revealed, and calculations are performed based on them.

Question: What should one do if one cannot control his negative thoughts toward a friend or a teacher?

Answer: Ask the Creator to guard him and not give him the opportunity to fall into such thoughts and harm.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 3/7/24

Related Material:
Rise Above Speaking Critically
The Spiritual Root Of Gossip
A Gossip Or A Friend?

Get out of Descents

600.02Question: What determines the time spent in descents, and how it be reduced it to a minimum? Maybe you need to find a connection with the Creator not only when you are in an ascent because the Creator is also present in the descents?

Answer: It is from the descent that we need to rise. While in a descent, a person should start reading the sources as soon as possible, praying, singing, doing anything to get out of this state.

Question: Is it necessary to look for the Creator in the descent?

Answer: You will not find Him there.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/14/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Whose Heart Makes Him Willing”

Related Material:
Final Correction for All Descents
What Is A Descent In Spirituality?
Separation Brings A Descent, Unity An Ascent

Correct Flaws in a Timely Manner

530Question: If we talk about spiritual beauty, can it be said that this is the revelation of qualities through the ten? In other words, by displaying my qualities, do I recognize flaws in myself, or do my qualities still reveal themselves and the ten helps me turn them around?

Answer: Until you come to absolute integration between you in the ten, flaws will manifest in each of you, and will affect the others. Therefore, you will constantly need to take care to correct your flaws in timely manner, each time in something different.

Question: Do I see these flaws through the ten or does the ten show them to me? How do they manifest in us?

Answer: Usually, they manifest in connection with friends. But, in general, they are revealed by the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/10/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam, “A Sightly Flaw in You”

Related Material:
The Group’s Common Diary
Convince the Creator to Correct Us
Between The Friends

How Do You Ignore Barking Dogs?

115You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks (Winston Churchill).

Question: Overlook the haters, that is, the barking dogs, did Churchill say this correctly?

Answer: In general, yes. Yet, it is impossible not to react to this. But it is possible to respond correctly.

Question: What does the correct reaction mean?

Answer: Starting with the fact that you do not pay attention. That is, the reaction is internal, externally it is not.

Question: It is clear. What does this do to barking dogs? What does this do to haters?

Answer: It deflates them.

Question: They begin to deflate by not seeing the reaction. Could this really cool them down?

Answer: Absolutely! There is no greater means to cool down an enemy, a hater, than such an attitude toward him.

Question: Previously, they would challenge each other to a duel.

Answer: They were small, prideful people.

Question: So, you think that this is just the ego? Pride?

Answer: Certainly.

Question: Is, in reality, the big one passes by and does not pay attention?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Does it burn inside?

Answer: No, I think it does not even burn. To him, it feels like the right thing.

Question: The question remains: Do we adjust our path not according to the haters but according to criticism, or not? What do you think?

Answer: It is not necessary. If this criticism ties you even more tightly to your roots, then good. This is what needs to be checked!

Question: That is, I have a path that I follow, and if criticism binds me even more to this path, then…?

Answer: Then follow.

Question: Afterward, can you treat critics with warmth and kindness?

Answer: Certainly. It comes from the Creator.

Question: How did your teacher deal with haters? I know there were haters, and there were a lot of them.

Answer: There were many haters, but I tried not to talk about it with him and not communicate with them. And, in principle, we tried not to mention all this between us. Why, in vain, incite some bad feelings in a person?

Question: But there were haters, right?

Answer: Yes! A lot.

Question: And some real ones?

Answer: Yes, from so many sides. Both from the Torah, the study of the Ten Sefirot, the students, and other teachings.

Question: As you say, this tied him even more to the path. What was your impression?

Answer: This straightened him up.

Question: So, can this be taken as advice, if you are criticized, let’s not say harshly “they hate,” but they criticize and try to lead you astray, and then you need to cling to this path even more?

Answer: I cannot tell each and everyone and why.

Question: But what would you say to everyone when they are being pressed from all sides? How can one resist?

Answer: If you are being pressed from all sides, it is best to switch off, step aside, and look at yourself and others from outside. And you will see how right or wrong you can be. Then, make a decision.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/28/23

Related Material:
When I Feel Hated
The Concept of a New Life
Turn Hatred into Love

We Do Not Learn from Mistakes

766.9Comment: You said that in reality children never learn from their parents’ mistakes.

My Response: Of course. How could that be? You cannot convey your life experience to another even in our world, much less in the spiritual world.

I remember my teacher sat in front of me on long winter evenings in Tiberias, and I pestered him with the same questions. He looked at me with compassion, eyes full of pity. He had very expressive eyes.

I saw that he sympathized with me, but could not help in any way more than what he was trying to explain, guide, and suggest. Usually, after my questions, he would sigh and say: “Let us read something.” And that was it, nothing else.

I remember I felt very bad. We went with him for a walk in the Beit Shemen forest. This was at the very beginning of my study. I studied with him for about a year, and a year is nothing to study Kabbalah. He saw that I was completely torn to pieces. I prayed: “Help me with at least something!” Such requests are generally not typical for me, but I blurted out: “Help!”

He looked at me with such pain, like a father who is ready to give everything to his hopelessly ill child, but can do nothing to help. We sat on a bench; I can show this place even today. He took from his pocket the article “Thou Hast Hemmed Me In Behind and Before” (“Achor Ve Kedem Tzartani”) and began to read to me. This is an article from the book A Sage’s Fruit, which we were just preparing for publication at that time.

In principle, the title of this article can be translated as “I control you from all sides.” I cannot say that I understood anything in it. But what else can you give a beginner?

In this case, we are talking about those people who strive to penetrate the spiritual system; they feel bad because they do not know it and do not attain it, and this pain speaks inside of them! After all, nothing corporeal was pressing on me at that time. I was perfectly settled, healthy, and young. It was spirituality that I lacked!

Question: Can you now evaluate how he perceived you at that moment? You, in fact, were part of him.

Answer: Of course, I was incorporated in him. He perceived me as a small system that needed to be adjusted, and he sympathized with it and really wanted to help it, and it reacted naturally. What else can you do? You just have to keep working with it and wait for the results.

Of course, he was worried about me, but he was worried as a father for a child who was not in a hopeless state. The father has a medicine that he gives to the child every day and sees that in the end the child will recover and do what is needed.

One day I could not overcome myself and did not follow him to take him to the sea. Then he was taken there by another student, who on the way asked: “Why is it always only Michael who accompanies you?” Rabash replied: “I cannot do anything about it. He has a special soul.”

I learned this 20 years later from that friend during a chance meeting. I did not even think about it and, moreover, I was surprised that Rabash said that about me to another student.

Therefore, when you look at a student, you take into account his entire future, and it sets you up to treat him accordingly. You tolerate his antics and lead him forward, or you “hit” him more often, or maybe, on the contrary, you pull him out “by the forelock.”
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. You do not Learn from Past Mistakes” 1/15/12

Related Material:
Like a Baby in Its Mother’s Arms
Seeing a Person’s Future
Make The Future Yourself

Incorporate into the Desires of Others

165Question: You said that there is a certain futility in conveying information when you do not know the other person’s desire. When asked how dissemination should work, you said, “You must take a person’s desire and ‘wear’ it yourself,” meaning, convey this information from your own experience, and only then will it work.

How do you do this? After all, each case is individual, and there is no such thing as a programmed response.

Answer: I never have programmed responses because every time I communicate with someone, I connect with them and become included in their desires.

First, I feel the entire system of creation, albeit at the level that I can perceive it. Just as a person feels our world, I feel the inner system of connection between everything, the place of that person, and my place within it. Based on this, contact occurs between us.

It does not matter what they tell me or even what I tell them. What matters is that this contact is always aimed at reaching maximum connection and maximum integration of this person into the common system of creation.

Suppose there is a particular individual element in front of me, and I connect him to the overall system precisely at the time I am communicating with them. This is what I do with each of my students.

Then, if they continue this themselves, they become an independent element in this system and act within it. But their connection was initiated by me from my side. And they must continue from their side. So, each time I seem to give birth to them on some level, in some world, and then they must continue to live.

Just as animals give birth to offspring and they are blind, unable to hold their heads up, crawl around their mother, so too must a human, who is even more helpless, try to survive, just like them.

Question: You described the state of the student relative to you. How can a student do the same thing relative to someone else?

Answer: People constantly do the same thing in their interactions with each other, but they don’t see it, don’t understand it, and of course, they operate at a much lower level.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Effective Transaction of Wisdom” 12/28/11

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How Is Internal Information Shared?
Contact In A Force Field
A Lesson As Change Of States