Borrow Desires from the Egyptians

571.03Question: What are the “vessels of the Egyptians?”

Answer: They are egoistic desires in their purest form. The golden vessels symbolize the degree of Behina Dalet, the silver ones symbolize Behina Gimel.

Question: We are learning that I should rise above my egoistic desires as much as possible, not use them, and unite with my friends. What does it mean that I borrow these desires from the Egyptians?

Answer: You ask the Egyptians for desires and intentions to bestow, and you use the little light they have.

You use it in your egoistic desires that go through the stage of recognition of evil, your oppositeness to the Creator. Thus, you begin to rise above egoism by gradually rejecting it. This is when your exit from Egypt begins.

Question: The vessels the children of Israel borrow from the Egyptians, do they bring them along into the desert, or do they later bring them into the land of Israel?

Answer: These are very good Kelim (vessels); they keep them. Later, at each stage, we can delve into what happens to them.
From the 1st part of the the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/16/24, Writings of Rabash “What Is the Need to Borrow Vessels from the Egyptians?”

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