Can Interacting with Stones Heal?

49.03Question: Unusual pets are becoming popular in South Korea. They are not dogs, they are not cats, they are rocks.

There are many touching stories about how people are stressed, do not want to burden their loved ones with their experiences, do not want to take responsibility for dogs or cats, but they simply take stones, buy stones, start dressing them up and talking to them. For example, a woman described how her day went at work to a stone.

What kind of transition is this? Is it evolution or is it degradation? You won’t share your stress with a friend, you don’t talk to a dog or a cat, but you talk to a stone. What do you think it is?

Answer: First of all, we must understand that these are Koreans. Therefore, we do not need to pay special attention to this as some kind of worldwide change of man toward nature. It will all pass.

But in general, this is an interesting thing. This way they can heal themselves.

Question: And when a person talks to some inanimate nature, to stones? They even say that they dress them up, talk, do you think this is a natural state?

Answer: This is a natural state for them. It is kind of like a kid with a doll. It is still on a purely childish level.

Question: Then the question that arises from this is: is it necessary for us to communicate with someone?

Answer: We have the upper force; we have to communicate with it.

Question: Can you explain this communication: what you do not see or feel?

Answer: You can only imagine the Creator as it is written in books. Otherwise, you cannot think of anything else.

The sages describe it as a force of nature that we must follow. This is the same thing that Abraham and all the others said, all the prophets down to Baal HaSulam and Rabash.

Question: How can I make myself believe them?

Answer: I think this is a matter of the gradual inner development of a person. It is gradual in our time, which will soon show us what we really need to go after.

Question: So you think we will be pushed toward this communication one way or another?

Answer: Yes.

Question: In principle, does it turn out that all beliefs pass through the character of the nation?

Answer: Yes, of course.

Question: The message—is it just one?

Answer: There is one message. You need contact with the upper force that can guide you and bring you into contact with it.

Question: Can we say that this message exists, but every nation passes it through itself?

Answer: Yes, but this is a matter of thousands of years. Only for each nation, it is still at its own level.

Question: And when it says: “God will be one and one for all”?

Answer: It will happen, but we need to develop.

Question: So all these currents, all these religions will come to this peak?

Answer: Yes, there is no other way.

Question: Will there not be a mass of currents, a mass of religions?

Answer: No, on the contrary, they will see that they are in some kind of similarity to each other and will begin to connect.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/25/24

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