Get Out of the Quagmire of Egoism

938.05Question: We have a strong desire in the ten to get out of Egypt, and prayer flows all day; we have the intention to give, the desire to unite, and the desire to merge all together. What else is needed to get out?

Answer: There is not enough connection between you. It is like you are standing in a square with thousands of people shouting, shouting to the Creator.

If you had joined forces at the same time, He would have immediately heard you and answered. You are still not connected. Therefore, alone, He cannot hear everyone.

Question: To unite, do we need to get out of egoism first?

Answer: Sure, one who is still in egoism cannot connect with anyone. And to get out of the quagmire of egoism, you need to lean on each other and grab hold of the Creator together.

Strive for contact with the Creator by addressing Him from the depths of your heart.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/10/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning the Beginning of the Month”

Related Material:
The Exodus From Egypt, Then And Now
Getting Out of Your “Egypt”
Unite To Exit Egypt

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