Matza Is a Symbol of Passover

631.1Question: The symbol of the Exodus from Egypt is Matza. Why is it necessary to consume Matza during Passover?

Answer: Matza is unleavened bread that is made in a special way with minimal water needed to make leaven. Then it is baked simply over coals or on a hot pan; it does not matter what it is baked on.

Matza is baked in remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt and symbolizes our swift transition from the desire to receive to the desire to bestow. It happens unexpectedly, suddenly, in what seems like the most inappropriate place and time for a person.

There is an accumulating process, accumulation, and a person breaks free from the grip of egoism. This is called the Exodus from Egypt.

Question: So, does a person not expect this exodus?

Answer: They are always expecting it, but they do not know that it is approaching. When it really happens to them, they do not understand how it suddenly came about. But someday, it will happen to everyone.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 4/20/22

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