Movement toward the Recognition of Evil

115.06Question: How can a person discover that he desires the force of bestowal if he was born with the desire to receive, and sees only that around him?

Where is an example of a permanent desire to bestow so that humanity could notice and appreciate it?

Answer: Of course we see that the whole world is in egoism, in the desire to receive rather than to bestow. But alongside this, we also see how egoism is constantly progressing in the world, and with it, so do pain, sorrow, and death.

In other words, egoistic desires manifest themselves as a source of all sorts of problems. Therefore people may not see a way out of them, but they understand that egoism alone is their enemy. Gradually, humanity is coming to realize that there is nothing to replace egoism, and therefore it sees no way out.

However, at the very least, it understands that our nature itself leads us to such unpleasant states.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/9/24, Writings of Rabash “The Need for an Act from Below”

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