Rise above All Kinds of Egos

595.01Question: What is the difference between Haman, whom we must kill because we cannot correct him, and the property Lev HaEven (the stony heart), which we also cannot correct, but should not kill?

Answer: We must rise above this and above that, and ask the Creator to correct these properties in us. To kill means to stop using the desire to receive for your own sake.

Question: What does it mean that Israel does not suffer through Haman, but will come to their own correction through free choice?

Answer: The light that Israel can receive comes to them not through Haman, but directly from the Creator. They pass this light through themselves and through the great desire to receive, and then this light fulfills its purpose.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/25/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Haman from the Torah, from Where?”

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So that Haman Disappears Forever
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The Characters Of Purim: Haman

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