So that Haman Disappears Forever

557The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is the vegetative degree, and Haman is the next animate degree.

Haman intended to use this tree to oppress people, but in the end, the tree, the vegetative quality of the soul, made it so that he was found guilty, and he was hanged precisely on this tree.

Question: How can we identify Haman in the group and correct him?

Answer: There is no need to focus specifically on this. We just need all together to come closer to the Creator. Haman is a quality that exists in each person to some extent. We must unite in such a way as to separate this egoism from ourselves and hate it to the extent that it disappears from our horizon.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/25/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Haman from the Torah, from Where?”

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