The Quality of Queen Esther

232.03Question: What is the quality of Queen Esther in us?

Answer: This is the quality of Malchut, which is ready to be in concealment so that we can get closer to receiving the upper light.

Question: If Esther is a beautiful desire, ready to connect with the Creator, then how can it be in concealment?

Answer: We all have a simple physical property: if our desires are similar, then we understand each other; if they are different, then not.

Esther’s name comes from the word “Astara”—concealment. People who are not in this desire do not see it. Therefore, no one understands or feels it, except Mordechai because he offered her qualities to his master the king.

Question: Is concealment her role?

Answer: Yes, in women this quality manifests itself differently, especially in the spiritual world.

Question: What is it, and how can we use it?

Answer: We narrow our Kelim and try to restrict them so that they are not accidentally filled with light because then we will be forced to receive it for ourselves. Therefore, we must praise modesty, that is, to do everything as to be far away from egoistic reception.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/24/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Haman Pockets”

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