Desires “Haman” and “Mordechai”

243_06Question: We are trying to connect our desires in the work of the ten. Which of them are called Haman and which are called Mordechai?

Answer: Egoistic, uncorrected desires that cannot yet unite are called Haman.

And the small desires, striving for an imperceptible, literally tiny unity, are called Mordechai. This is a very small light, the light of Hassadim, which shines a little in the Kelim of Haman. We need to put all this in order.

The fact is that the desire Haman consists of ten desires called “his ten sons.” They are almost impossible to correct. Therefore, we eventually turn with them to the Creator, and they disappear under the influence of the upper light.

And the other desires we can correct and fill, and thus get closer and closer to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/24/24, Writingsof Baal HaSulam “Haman Pockets”

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