Despite the Feelings

600.02Question: I often hear that not noticing flaws is faith above reason. Is that so?

Answer: No, faith above reason is a state where a person, despite what he feels, sees, and explores, goes above it.

First, we must scrutinize our attitude toward the Creator and our friends and understand whether we are in plus or in minus. Accordingly, we should treat them in a way that makes us the corrected group and always care about it.

Comment: But this scrutiny can stumble upon someone and tell you: “Sorry, this is just how you see it; it is your flaw.”

My Response: No one has the right to interfere in another’s work. A person acts according to the way he determines.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “There Is a Certain People”

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