A Kaleidoscope of States

232.06Question: On one hand when I am on the path of bestowal, I pray for myself to exit Egypt.

On the other hand, I should pray for my friends to feel their deficiency and be directed toward them. How can I combine these different approaches?

Answer: The point is that we must feel our state in different parameters. For example, one state is when I sit in my egoism and do not want to get out of it.

Another state is when I want to break free from my ego but cannot ask for it; I lack the strength. A third state is when I am ready for anything just to rise from egoism to the quality of bestowal and love.

Generally, there can be many such states.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/10/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning the Beginning of the Month”

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