Rise above the Level of “Haman”

233Question: In the initial stage of spiritual correction, we try to connect to the vessels of bestowal. What does it mean that at this stage Haman is revealed to us, and in the next stage we cease to discern him?

Answer: If we strive to be above the level of Haman, we seemingly change our choices and attribute everything to the Creator.

Question: But we start the work from being in the vessels of bestowal and then simply rise above Haman. Or does he change somehow on his own?

Answer: Haman changes in this process. This is called help against him because he is the one who leads us to the goal. This is how we ascend into the vessels of bestowal.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/25/24, Writings of Rabash “Purim, and the Commandment: Until He Does Not Know”

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