Break Away from Egypt

608.02Question: Passover lasts for seven days. Why is that?

Answer: Seven days represent the seven Sefirot, all the levels of our soul. On the first day of Passover, a person exits the intention for oneself and continues to get rid of his egoistic intentions on the second day, the third day, and so on, until he completely detaches from them.

In this way, one approaches a state called Yam Suf—the Red Sea. He is ready to plunge into it to fully detach himself from Egypt (from egoism).

Question: Exiting Egypt is the final frontier of the corporeal, egoistic world beyond which lies an arbitrary line called Machsom. By crossing it, a person begins to feel love, bestowal, and the spiritual world. What happens to him? What transformation occurs beyond this line?

Answer: Beyond this line, a person only thinks about how through others he can increasingly realize in himself the quality of bestowal and love. As a result, he begins to feel in this quality that he is filled with the highest light—the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 3/28/21

Related Material:
Getting Out of Your “Egypt”
Why Rush Out Of Egypt?
The Miracle Of Exiting Egypt

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