Midnight Is the Time to Start Acting

202.0Question: How do we collectively find the true, correct Hisaron (deficiency) during the night time?

Answer: At night we cannot find anything; there is no light. During this time, a person is under the influence of egoism, under the influence of uncorrected or even evil forces.

Therefore, at night we do nothing, and we act only when morning begins, i.e., from midnight.
In this, we take an example from King David who always woke up at midnight and began writing Psalms.

Question: On Passover night, the body is limited both in thoughts and desires. What is this state?

Answer: It is a state of feeling the exile in Egypt.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/14/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning the Exodus from Egypt”

Related Material:
The Mystery Of Passover Night
The Night Of The Exodus From Egypt
Escape From Egyptian Darkness

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