Seeing a Person’s Future

961.2Question: When you look at a student, do you know his or her entire path from beginning to end?

Answer: What does it matter? It is still very hard to describe, including his freewill and so on. There is nothing obvious. There is a program, but the method of its implementation is concealed.

But if we were at the end of final correction, which no one has yet reached because this can only be done together, we would see all the paths we have traveled. This can only be seen by going through them and being in the final state.

No person can fully see what is happening, what will happen, and in what form. In principle the stages of the path are known, but the time when they will come true and how they are realized is unknown since this is determined by our freewill.

Question: But you once said that Rabash knew your path from beginning to end?

Answer: Probably, but I do not think he knew exactly how it would be implemented. As far as I understand, not a single created being, until its final correction, can see an absolutely complete implementation, which is above freewill because it is on the next level of the entire picture of the universe.

That is, you must rise to the full correction of this picture, behind which there are so-called 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th millennia.

Question: But can a Kabbalist see the dry program, I mean the program itself?

Answer: Of course. But not the dates. It is impossible to say how this will be done, by war or by peace, this year or in 20 to 30 years. Otherwise, we would not have freedom.

This would automatically cancel any of our actions. Not that you know and do nothing, but in a completely different way. If this picture were clear, visible, and realized, then you no longer need to do anything.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. To See the Future of an Individual” 9/8/13

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