It All Depends on One’s Attitude to Life

625.02Comment: When there is pressure that you didn’t see coming, it seems easier to outlast it than to throw yourself into the millstones of the group.

My Response: It depends on one’s level and one’s understanding of his purpose in life. If my goal is to be healthy, then I am happy to go under the surgeon’s knife and I even pay a lot of money for the surgery.

But if my goal is only to live well with fewer problems, then I’m completely dead. I take all kinds of painkillers and sedatives—a drink here, a pill there, and so I prolong my existence.

Everything depends on the attitude to life. Therefore blows, yelling, or negative reinforcement are sometimes perceived as positive. It is correction!

For example they probably write lots of things about me on the Internet. But I’m not interested in that because I have a goal. How will I reach it if I don’t pursue it every moment?

If I could read serious, critical articles, comments, and discussions about myself and about my path, I would be happy to seek them out. But I know from the inner state of the world that there is no one who could argue with me on equal terms. Although I do not place myself above others, I’m implying the grasp of the spiritual level. I see no one.

Of course there are such people, but they will not show up on the Internet. These are the spiritual people like my teacher. There is a slight spiritual contact between us. This is a very special connection between people in the world.

As for all sorts of “philosophers” who understand nothing about Kabbalah but only borrow various terms, names, and definitions in order to juggle them around, I have nothing to say to them or to the various religious leaders, mystics, etc. who are based in god knows what; none of them have spiritual attainment.

Question: But is there a category of people who have reached a certain spiritual level?

Answer: Of course, but they are not in physical contact with each other. They just feel that there are other people besides them in attainment.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Real Success” 8/21/13

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