Where Is the “I” Of the Kabbalist?

281.02Question: You, as a Kabbalist, are a kind of a substance that consists of desires and intentions. You look just like any other person. How do you build some of your consistent actions in our world?

Answer: On one hand I am a teacher; whoever wants to receive the knowledge that I possess from me can get it through the regular lessons on the Internet, through books, and so on. On the other hand I am an educator. Those who want to listen to my advice can receive it.

Besides that, I also influence the world based on my inner potential. This influence is not perceived and not felt by others. Those students who are next to me feel it during lessons. But, in general, it is not perceivable; it cannot be measured in any way, you can only feel that there is some kind of power in this person. When you are next to him, it penetrates you, but nothing more than that. It is not something obvious.

There are Kabbalists who lived in this world and left books and disciples behind them. Now they are gone, but this does not mean that they do not exist and do not act, and act, even more than we do! This is because they are in the system, only they are not perceived by us.

And I am still in a system that is felt by the lowest level in existence. Due to the fact that I am on the same level with them, I can help them, show them, give an example, and support them.

Question: Where is your “I”?

Answer: “I” is the most acute sense of the need for self–realization. What would I like to do most effectively at this moment in order to realize myself? This is called “I.” Obviously it already depends on the person, what he would want.

Question: And your “I”?

Answer: I think I am trying to do that in all my actions. For example, now I urgently need to run to realize my “I” in front of hundreds of people who, in turn, will listen to how they can realize their “I.”
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Where is the “I” of the Kabbalist?” 9/8/13

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