Are We Facing the Fate of Sodom and Gomorrah?

631.1Changed apartments—moved from Sodom to Gomorrah (Stanislaw Jerzy Lec).

My Response: Still there is a difference. There is Sodom and there is Gomorrah.

Comment: But still, both cities were destroyed.

My Response: It does not matter. They were destroyed, but in different ways.

Question: Where should I really move to if I want to escape from Sodom, from the desire to live for myself?

Answer: Only inside yourself. Break through your egoism, and there is the Creator inside you.

Question: Then there will be a way out, we escape from Sodom to the Creator? Is that what He wants?

Answer: This is the only way to attain and reveal Him.

Question: When the Creator says: “I will destroy Sodom and Gomorrah,” what does that mean?

Answer: It means those forces that prevent us from revealing Him.

Comment: The Creator seems to say: “You have to reveal Me. But you resist, so I must destroy.”

My Response: Yes. These are two disgusting qualities that specifically prevent and very much hinder the revelation of the Creator. They are not egoistic in general, but they confuse us along the way and there is nothing we can do. These are qualities within a person.

Question: Why are these qualities not egoistic?

Answer: Let’s say a prohibition to steal or prohibition to take from the other.

Question: Are these the laws of Sodom?

Answer: Yes. It turns out that not only can you not give to the other, but you have no right to receive from the other. You cannot help and accept help. You have to live independently, on your own, very precisely and correctly.

Comment: “Mine is mine, yours is yours.”

My Response: If we all lived in the world today according to such laws, the world would be different.

Question: Then why does the Creator want to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah?

Answer: Because it does not lead to correction, to coming closer to each other, to mutual support, mutual adhesion, and to revelation of the Creator.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/27/21

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