Purity of Thoughts

510.01Question: What is the danger of slander in a Kabbalistic society of people who unite and want to reach the Creator in a small group?

Answer: The purpose of Kabbalah is to lead us to the revelation of the Creator, to equivalence with Him, so that a person adhering to the Creator would urge Him to correct our world, and humanity would ascend to the highest level of its existence.

Therefore, Kabbalah advocates the correct use of the urge to slander, to clarify. I think we have it ahead of us.

Question: There is a state when a student slanders his teacher, in his thoughts, not out loud. How can we deal with this, and what should we do about it?

Answer: This is bad. Verbal expressions or just thoughts of one person, of course, differ from the thoughts of other people nearby. But, in general, if we calculate according to his sensations, his inner feelings are first accounted. And if we are talking about some kind of higher court, a court of justice, of truth, then everything that one thinks of another is revealed, and calculations are performed based on them.

Question: What should one do if one cannot control his negative thoughts toward a friend or a teacher?

Answer: Ask the Creator to guard him and not give him the opportunity to fall into such thoughts and harm.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 3/7/24

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