Give Strength to Friends

530Question: Should there be an atmosphere in the group where people feel they are not working for a reward, meaning they are not rewarded for their work?

Answer: Not quite. We need to understand and encourage each other as much as possible. This is how we will advance.

Question: If I feel unable to do something for the group and ask them to give me importance and strength, how should they react?

Answer: The group should react normally. After all, not just you, but all the friends ask the Creator to receive various anti-egoistic forces and want to correct themselves. So all is good.

Question: Sometimes a group refuses to give strength to a friend and argues that he wants to fill his egoism. That is, he wants to do something for the group while also receiving some kind of reward.

Answer: For now, this is our state. We are not out of egoism yet. Therefore, when I ask for strength, I want to do something that, among other things, will lift me up as well. That is, the group should still give strength to the friends, not sparing anyone, and help everyone.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/15/24, Writings of Rabash “The Torah Spoke Regarding Four Sons”

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