Prayer of the Naive

936Question: What is a naive prayer?

Answer: A naive prayer is an unfinished, vague desire. It differs from the prayer of the poor in that the poor have a very clearly expressed desire. The property of the highest Malchut is called “poor and needy” because it is empty and cannot fill itself or take a single step forward. It is Malchut’s nature.

It wants to correct its Kli and fill it. The naive still need to understand how to act.

Question: How can we all reach the state of the poor together so that our prayer is heard?

Answer: In general, it is not complicated. At least it is not difficult to understand what it is. We have no understanding and feeling of what a person or indeed all of humanity should achieve.

Therefore we must imagine ourselves as one person with one heart and desire—imagine ourselves and all the world’s people living together and feeling common desires that we all direct to the Creator. It is called “being in one heart.”
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/14/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning the Exodus from Egypt”

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