What Does a Hint of Ridicule Lead To?

215Question: There are many jokes circulating in the world where characters laugh at other people, nations, and their vices. Are such sarcastic jokes considered slander?

Answer: Yes, of course! Even with a hint of mockery.

For example, if you laugh at a small child seemingly with love, there is still some contempt in it, and to the extent of this hidden contempt, you already fall under the charge of slander.

Comment: But you once said that humor, when people or a nation can laugh at their vices, is good.

My Response: Yes, it is good. It all depends on the intention behind it and what we ultimately achieve.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 3/7/24

Related Material:
The Ability to Laugh at Yourself
When Kabbalists Laugh
Humor—An Emotion Of A Developed Person

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