Agree among Yourselves and Act!

243.01Question: What does it mean to engage in the Torah study continuously?

Answer: This is only possible if you are connected, inspire one another, and set an example.

Then you will be able to be connected with the correction of the Torah in the outin, outin states. You must constantly strive for such a state.

Agree between yourselves, like in RAMHAL’s group where each person chose a specific hour of the day for spiritual work, studied excerpts from sources or the Torah, and thought about their friends all the time. In this way they moved forward constantly.

Question: Can the entire ten periodically renew these commitments? How is it best to do this?

Answer: In an orderly fashion, according to a schedule, so that someone from the then is always engaged in it. Agree among yourselves and act.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/18/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “He Who Ceases Words of Torah and Engages in Conversation”

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