In a Host of Desires

962.3The story of Moses and Pharaoh is about the people who accompany them. In inner work, they symbolize different desires, forces, and aspirations that help us advance to even greater bestowal.

We must gather all these desires and intentions and increase them as if extending them to the Creator. Gradually we will become convinced of how much the Creator helps us develop them.

Question: How can we be worthy of the properties of Moses, and what depends on us here?

Answer: It is up to us to keep the direction of bestowal at every moment.

We can achieve the quality of Moses if we understand that our mutual bestowal and mutual assistance should lead us to bestowal upon the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/18/24, Writings of Rabash “And He Said, ‘When You Deliver the Hebrew Women.’”

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