Questions about Spiritual Work—115

231.02Question: It is said that the order of exile and liberation must be maintained. What does it mean?

Answer: Gradually by alternating one action after another, we raise our egoism, scrutinize, check, and correct it. That is our job.

Question: Without the restriction of the body, it is impossible to leave Egypt. Are these restrictions lifted when clarity comes?

Answer: All restrictions go away when the Creator shines His light on us.

Question: In Rabash’s article “Concerning the Exodus from Egypt,” it is written, “I awaken the dawn, and the dawn does not awaken me.” How do we understand that the Creator guides us, and when do we awaken the dawn?

Answer: The problem is if you do not feel it. So you have to put more effort into feeling the Creator.

Question: If we do not come to the morning lesson, does that mean we do not awaken the dawn and influence what is happening in the world now?

Answer: Of course it does. Every person influences, and even more so, the group that does not come to the lesson and does not use the opportunity to unite and influence the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/14/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning the Exodus from Egypt”

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