The Need for the Support of the Creator

289Question: It is written that you can come to the Creator only by hating your body, but the body is a spiritual shell. What does the body have to do with it?

Answer: By “body” in Kabbalah, we mean egoism, not our flesh.

Question: How can the Creator hate what He created?

Answer: He hates egoism and wants us to get rid of it.

Comment: But we have no choice. In any case, He will lead us to the goal of creation, either by an accelerated path (Achishena) or the path of suffering (Beito). It turns out that He does not give us a choice.

My Response: No. He gives us a little blow, and if we rush toward the goal of not getting rid of the blows, but rising above egoism and becoming like the Creator, He helps us.

So we pray that He will change, lift, push, and support us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/17/24, Writings of Rabash “Faith Within Reason”

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