Hear Your “Body”

509The Zohar says that the Creator hates bodies. It refers specifically to the bodies of the Creator’s workers because they want to be eternal recipients, since they also desire the wealth of the future world (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 108 “If You Leave Me for a Day, I will Leave You for Two Days”).

Question: If the Creator hates the bodies, then what was the need to create them?

Answer: The material body is the desire to receive. If the Creator had not created the body, we would not have anything to work on and be rewarded.

We are talking about desires for one’s own sake that arise in a person who seeks spiritual elevation. But nothing can be revealed in the desire to receive, only in the desire to give, which is called the spiritual body or soul.

Question: If the Creator gives us a reward in advance, will we pay for it later much more?

Answer: No, do not take that into account. You must do what is required of you.

Question: It seems like this article describes a conversation with the body. Is it important to keep track of what my body, i.e., my desire is telling me at every moment?

Answer: Of course, it is important. If you do not hear your body and do not listen to it, but just hear it, you will not be able to advance.

Correct hearing means holding on to the group, to the Creator, and listening to what your body wants to tell you. Then you will gain the strength to move forward independently of it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/7/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “If You Leave Me One Day, I Will Leave You Two“

Related Material:
The Concept of “Body” in the Material and Spiritual
Physical Body And Soul
The Perception Of Reality: Body And Soul

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