“Buying” a Friend

528.04Question: Your teacher Rabash wrote an article, “Make yourself a Rav and buy yourself a friend.” For the title, he took a saying from the Mishnah, a book by our sages about 2,000 years ago.

It gives the following advice: to acquire the property of bestowal (the property of the Creator), three conditions must be met. The first is to make yourself a Rav (Rav comes from the word “great,” teacher). The second is to buy yourself a friend. The third is to judge every person to the scale of merit.

I would like you to explain all three actions. Why do we need to fulfill them?

Answer: The point is that although we are connected with the Creator, we do not have mutual feelings with Him. Therefore, we cannot be with Him directly in such a relationship as with a friend, a teacher, or other people.

A person wishing to connect with the Creator must first acquire a friend. People who come to study Kabbalah and whose goal is to reveal the Creator must be in a group of like-minded individuals and develop mutual connection among themselves. Moreover, this connection should be higher than anything else for them. That is the first condition for a person striving to attain the upper world.

Question: But why specifically “buy” a friend? What does this mean?

Answer: It means using all opportunities to bring a person like you who is striving for the same goal closer to you, and being able to unite with them like with no one else. After all, in this connection, you are considered as one whole.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 4/11/24

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