Open Your Heart to Everyone

944Question: We all are trying to unite above our differences. Our goal for the connections between us is to reveal the force of the Creator, love, and eternity. How can we convey all this to the whole world, to the people of Israel?

Answer: You must try to connect through your hearts, and then what is in your heart will flow into the others’ hearts. You will feel it. Just work on it as a group.

Question: What determines the volume of our internal space where everyone can be placed for internal unification?

Answer: It is the size of the heart. And to work effectively with this thought, you need to open your heart to everyone.

Let us all embrace together and ask the Creator to bring us closer in a tighter embrace. That is how we arrive at a quick final correction. Baal HaSulam writes that we are already in the last generation, the generation of Moshiach (Messiah). What should we do? Just wish in your heart for this to come true for everyone.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/4/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “First Will Be the Correction of the World“

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