Reach Out with Our Hearts to Each Other

567.04Question: We have had a lot of conventions recently and really successful ones. But why does it happen that after each convention we get either Covid or some other blow? Now there is a war in Israel or an earthquake in Turkey. What did we do wrong?! What do we need to change within us?

Answer: We need to change our hearts so that we really reach out with our hearts to each other and feel each in his heart the heart of a friend.

Now, after the convention, the Creator wants to give us a new condition. If we rise above it, we will really move forward. How? Very simply. The connection of hearts!

Question: Is it correct to say that war and death are also a correction?

Answer: Yes, but this is an undesirable way.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/7/23, “Current events in Israel”

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