Overcome All Obstacles

275Question: We notice that after each convention we get undesirable states because the Creator gives us a lot of light of Hochma. How can we produce more light of Hasadim? What is the difference in our work?

Answer: Our work depends on the aspiration of our hearts to each other. The light of Hasadim is the light of a correct, heartfelt rapprochement. This is what we are lacking.

Question: At the hour when the judgment falls, as it is now, and at the hour when, God forbid, it will be the darkest before dawn, what feelings and sensations should we experience?

Answer: That all this is being done for our sake, and we must move forward in a greater and greater connection of everyone with everyone, and thus we will overcome all obstacles.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/7/23, of “Current events in Israel”

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