Audio Version Of The Blog – 10/28/23

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Under the Control of the Creator

561Question: The Creator sends us all states and feelings. How can we work with the fact that He gives a feeling of hatred for hatred itself, which is revealed both in me and in some external manifestations?

Answer: This is very good. If we hate the quality of hatred in us, then we can move away from it, we can ask for its correction. This is wonderful.

Question: Does the pain we feel due to war, loss, and grief help in prayer? Or is immersion in this pain a denial of the control of the good Creator, and this pulls us in the opposite direction?

Answer: Don’t worry, the Creator makes a calculation in which direction to pull us and it doesn’t really depend on us. It depends on how He completely controls us from before and from behind.

And the pain you feel needs to be included in prayer. Everything will be fine, don’t worry, just focus.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/13/23, “Fighting the Evil Inclination”

Related Material:
Everything Is Achieved By The Power Of Prayer
The Infinite Power Of Prayer
What To Ask From The Creator?

Faith in the Greatness of the Creator

610.2Question: It is said that there are two possibilities in the spiritual work: to receive a reward and not to receive a reward but to work because of the greatness of the Creator. Where does faith in the greatness of the Creator come from and what does it depend on?

Answer: Faith in the greatness of the Creator comes from what the Creator gives us. To the extent that we feel Him, to that extent there is faith in us.

Question: How can we increase the greatness of the Creator?

Answer: Through prayer. Through prayer and request. We have nothing else.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah lesson 10/17/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is an Optional War, in the Work? – 2”

Related Material:
Believing In The Creator’s Greatness
Being Impressed By The Creator’s Greatness
A Check For Selfless Devotion

How Can We Hear the Voice of the Upper?

632.1Question: How can one hear the voice of holiness when egoism screams with pain and fear, throws fire, hides, and pushes away? How can we hear the voice of the upper?

Answer: Only through connection with friends. Nothing else. It is an extreme rarity that the Creator reveals Himself to one person. Usually, He is revealed in the connection between people.

Question: When we are looking for unity and a clear enemy appears, it is easy for us to unite. And when the danger disappears, we crumble again. How can we avoid the trap of uniting against someone?

Answer: There is no way. Only with time wisdom and strength are gained.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/11/23, “Reinforcing Ourselves with There Is None Else Besides Him”

Related Material:
The First Step to Connection
Connection That Destroys Evil
Awaken The Lower To Connect To The Upper

Urgent Need

528.03Question: What does it mean to connect the ten in a group?

Answer: This means that ten friends connect together in order to rise above their egoism in mutual assistance to each other. Absolutely all the friends should feel this.

In principle, all people in the world will gradually come to this either in a good way or not. But in the end, this need will be revealed to everyone.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/3/23, Writing of Baal HaSulamThe Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”

Related Material:
The Ten Commandments Of Connection
A Group And Groups Of Ten
A Whole Group Of Ten