Audio Version Of The Blog – 10/4/23

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Nature Demands Harmony from Us

707When we become adults, we come in contact with each other, not in a family sense, but in serious social contact. What binds us is the necessity of our earthly existence.

If we were not connected, we would not be able to provide for ourselves because today, especially today, in order to provide for ourselves, it is necessary to be in contact with the whole world. Absolutely with everything!

If you take any objects in our world, let’s say what surrounds you in your apartment right now, you will discover that practically the entire world participates in arranging your home.

Now, the question is: what is next? And next, we must participate with each other not in an egoistic alliance with each other in order to feed ourselves and arrange our lives, but also in order to achieve harmony with nature.

Nature compels us to be harmoniously connected with each other. To the extent it is interconnected on its levels—inanimate, vegetative, and animate—to such extent it compels us to be interconnected on the human society level with mutual assistance, complete conjugation, complete unity, and complete mutual inclusion in one unified picture. We absolutely must do this.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How not to Lose Money?” 10/31/11

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Levels of Influencing a Person

231.01Question: Sometimes I simply cannot hear anything during a lesson; it’s like being a log, and sometimes I cling to every word. What is better and what should I aim for?

Answer: A person has two types of integration with the general field of people in the lesson. If he is not at all with them in thoughts and desires, then he is simply taking up space. Practically no currents pass through him at that time; he is not even a receiver.

Not much depends on him anyway, perhaps he is given a certain internal sensory integration of consciousness. Sometimes we perceive everything with an open mind, and sometimes we are half-conscious, half-asleep. It is quite possible that some internal psychological states are interfering with us. And all this affects us.

However, a person depends on one’s connection with the general system of people with whom one studies, to the extent a person was connected with them before, whether one made a covenant with them that even if he is more passive today, they still help him and take care of him. They not only take care of him, but everyone who temporarily drops out o tthe point that they can take over his functions in this general system.

Interaction between people occurs on several levels: on the sensory and on the informational, either at the level of our world or at the next deeper layers. This is how we work.

Baal HaSulam writes that even if a person speaks only Chinese but sits in the lessons, he will still begin to feel something. Of course, it will take time, but that does not matter. Perhaps he will enter into these feelings even more directly because he will begin to reveal the upper world, this system, this interconnection, this chain, within himself.

In my first book on Kabbalah written in 1983, I shared my feeling that our world lies on a grid woven from these forces. Many years have passed since then, but this impression not only has not changed, but has strengthened and revealed itself even more. The impression was correct. We study this grid in Kabbalah.

Comment: But there are students who sleep in the lessons and cannot help themselves.

My Response: It does not matter! Their time has not yet come. For now, they are accumulating internal potential, and then they will break through. I would say that the more complex, the more serious, the organization of a person is, the more severe and longer latent period of lack of awareness and feelings he has, does not matter. Let him continue.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Levels Of Influencing A Person” 10/13/11

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Maximum Effort
Do Not Sleep Your Life Away
Sleeping During The Lesson Is The Ego’s Defensive Response

The Most Important Commitment

528.03Question: Each of us works in the ten, makes efforts, and strives for bestowal. We come to the lesson and feel the joy of being together. But then there is a wall.

There is emptiness between everyone; everyone sits in their own cocoon, and we are not drawn to each other. Inside the cocoon, we work with ourselves, with the Creator, with the goal, with the importance of the lesson. What is next? How can I correctly ask myself and the Creator what I am doing wrong?

Answer: Each of us must commit to getting closer to the friends so that the ten eventually becomes something common. Then in this general, we will feel the upper world. Constantly imagine this, and nothing else is needed.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 9/17/23, “Rosh HaShana

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Ask The Creator To Raise Your Friends To Him
There Is No Other Way
Seeing The Environment Through Eyes Of Love

Israel Are People Aiming for the Creator

749.01Question: Do the people of Israel belong to one spiritual root?

Answer: Israel is not a nationality or a people. This is a group of people who have gathered in order to direct themselves to the Creator.

All those who wish to reach the Creator are called Israel. For them there is the holiday Rosh Hashanah (New Year) when they want to determine that from this moment onward they go to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/16/23, “Rosh Hashana

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Anyone Can Be A Jew
Who Is Responsible For Correction?
Israel: By Birth Or By Goal

Questions about Spiritual Work—21

938.04Question: How do we practically come closer to each other in a good way and not lie to each other?

Answer: It depends on the person’s heart, nothing more.

Question: What is the basis of each new connection in the ten?

Answer: To be even closer to each other than before.

Question: Sometimes it seems to us that we have already come to a complete connection. The next moment we see that this is not the case at all. How do we determine the degree of connection in the ten?

Answer: We cannot measure it. We must aim for complete connection every second.

Question: Rosh HaShanah, like a new degree, begins with judgment. Is it correct to say that without connection, the world will remain in a state of judgment and will not move further to the mercy of the Creator?

Answer: Of course, it will be advancing, but by a worse path.

Question: You said there should be no end to the efforts to connect. When we work together in lessons, meetings, and workshops, it is understandable. But when we are not working together, what should the individual efforts be?

Answer: I have to place all the friends into my heart and keep them there all the time so that they do not fall from there. That is all.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/17/23, “Rosh HaShana

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—20
Questions about Spiritual Work—19
Questions about Spiritual Work—18

The Degree of Development of a Point in the Heart

533.02Question: Are there people among your students without a point in the heart?

Answer: No, otherwise they would not have come here. But there are those who have it very deeply hidden. The gradual development of this point is taking place in those people. It also happens that people come to us out of pure curiosity and immediately leave.

There are also some who come to me and then go to others. They awaken in themselves a preliminary point in the heart, the point of Hasidism, and go to those who, perhaps, are also called Kabbalists, but instead of Kabbalah they are engaged in other spiritual techniques.

Question: I was told how one person was looking for Kabbalists. He came to one of them, and he, after literally touching him, said that he allegedly had such energy, etc. How much is it really visible?

Answer: Any gypsy woman or soothsayer like Messing, who is not a Kabbalist, can tell you the same thing. It has nothing to do with Kabbalah. Kabbalists do not possess such properties.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Determining the Point in the Heart” 10/17/11

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Elevate The Point In The Heart
The Common Point In The Heart
How Do You Develop A Point In The Heart?

“Why is Kabbalah considered a hidden wisdom?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Why is Kabbalah considered a hidden wisdom?

The wisdom of Kabbalah is called a hidden wisdom because only people who use it correctly can disclose it.

What does it mean to use the wisdom of Kabbalah “correctly”? It means that its practitioners construct a system of connection among each other in which they reveal the teaching.

It is a teaching that does not come from our own minds. It is written in several places that the wisdom of Kabbalah has no need for intellectually smart people. Instead, it needs people who work on their hearts, i.e., people who calibrate their desires such that they influence each other. By doing so, they influence the system of connection that exists between them, and they accordingly receive a special influence called “the Creator”—the upper force of love and bestowal that illuminates within the system of connection that they construct.

Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson on September 28, 2023. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 10/4/23

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Love of God and the Love of Man”

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Selected Highlights

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There Is No Need to Be Afraid of Judgment Day

202.0Comment: The Day of Atonement is coming—Yom Kippur. I would like to talk about it precisely this year when you see everything that is happening in the world.

My Response: I think the world should at least already feel the need for this.

Question: So, after all, the Day of Atonement is special this year? It is believed that this is one of the most important holidays in Judaism. It is when people read prayers of repentance, ask for forgiveness, and generally prepare for the fact that the seal will be placed in the Book of Life. And, as I understand it, you are now going to say that it is an important day for the world too?

Answer: For everyone.

Comment: This holiday is always perceived with some awe. At least here in Israel everything stops. Silence, religious, non–religious, everyone is in some way afraid, let’s say trembling, facing this day. Tell us a little about this holiday.

My Response: Actually, it is hard to call it a “holiday” because a holiday is something fun, light, and bright. I think that Yom Kippur is precisely that: a Day of Atonement, when we can really rejoice that we are able to redeem ourselves.

Question: So it is still a joy?

Answer: Joy, this is a day of joy. And then, I do not know how people actually celebrate this day. It seems to me that they should, of course, be scrutinizing themselves. As it is said that a person should think about how he lived throughout this year, how he aspired to be kind, to do good, to be a conduit of the good Creator in the world.

Question: Is it desirable for a person to think about this on this holiday?

Answer: One should, yes. I think that ordinary people, in principle, are not so immersed in evil; therefore, there is nothing to fear from in the Day of Judgment. What can they be judged for? Evil was born before man, evil, envy, and other negative qualities. So, a man is a man. What else can be said about him?

Question: Please tell me then, what is this holiday for?

Answer: I think that this holiday is most likely about a person thinking about why he was created in this way. And how he would like to correct himself a little. Although creation is the creation of the Creator, let’s assume that a person has the opportunity to correct himself a little. How would he do it, in what way?

Question: That is, his intention is in some way for good, for warmth, for love?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Then why does he ask for forgiveness? There are a lot of prayers; this is called Slichot. “I am sorry! I am sorry!” All the time “I am sorry!” To forgive what if man was created this way?

Answer: I am sorry that You made me so nasty, mean, insignificant, and harmful, that I bring only evil and misfortune to everyone. And I ask You very much, help me straighten up, improve, and be at least a little better.

Question: That is, man’s aspirations are not to ruin another, but on the contrary, to nevertheless become better?

Answer: I think that if a person would seriously think about everything that happens to him, how he was created, and what he could be, then he would ask for correction of what God created in him.

Question: There is such text in the prayer of the Day of Atonement; it is very vivid. “And all creatures will fear You, that is, the Creator, and all created ones will prostrate before You, and they will form a single union to do Your will with all their hearts.”

Explain please, is it still necessary to be afraid?

Answer: The fact is that it is very difficult for us to understand this imbalance between the absolutely good Creator and the absolutely evil person created by the same good Creator. Why? It is in order for a person to realize the reason for such creation and to want to be like the Creator.

Question: What is the reason?

Answer: The only thing is to want to be like the Creator.

Question: So I am so far away from Him and I want to be like Him?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Am I intentionally far away from Him?

Answer: Initially.

Question: And then “they will be afraid of You”—what does that mean?

Answer: This is already an appeal to the Creator. When people feel that all this comes from You so that they will be afraid and beg You for correction.

Question: And when it is said “and they will prostrate themselves before the Creator,” what does it mean?

Answer: They will wish to subjugate to the good inclination of the Creator.

Question: “And all created beings will prostrate before the Creator and form a single union to do Your will with all their hearts.” What is this—this last part?

Answer: This is when everyone will help others so that everyone together will be in goodness and in love for the Creator and for everyone.

Question: What is the peculiarity of today’s Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, for you? How do you feel?

Answer: We see that the world is not getting better, that is for sure. People are not getting better; they are just tired. They are tired of this world, of this life, and of what is happening to them; they see that there is nothing good in the future for children, and therefore, it is impossible to slander a person. This is him, he was created that way: an evil, indifferent person.

Comment: And you do not slander a person.

My Response: I do not slander either the person or the Creator. It is just a given that we must clearly realize and then begin to ask—ask for the correction of a person and the whole world.

We still need to realize that this evil is a consequence of our relationship with each other. We cannot rise above ourselves in order to wish well for everyone. We cannot. This is the reason for our impatience with each other and everything that happens to us.

I hope that these recent events, the fact that we are now discussing what is happening to the world, to a person, to each of us, I hope that they will eventually lead to the realization that we need to correct this world. And it depends only on our desires.

I think that the Creator deliberately unravels all this in front of us so that we realize the need for changes.

Question: Can we not wait for this Day of Atonement, but do it during the day, do it now, suddenly decide and do it? Is it possible?

Answer: Of course! We do not have to wait for anything.

Comment: But people usually wait for this day, prepare for it.

My Response: They postpone, it is not good. We should consider every day as a day suitable for apology, for redemption, so that we change our attitude toward everyone and everything. It all depends on us.

Question: One more question: what is this holiday for the world? We started with the fact that Jews have such a holiday, a very special one. And what does this holiday mean for the world?

Answer: It means nothing to the world. Most people do not know what it is about at all. And it doesn’t mean much to Jews either because they think they are afraid, they each care for themselves and not for everyone.

Question: Should there be a thought for the whole world, for everyone?

Answer: Absolutely for everyone! Good, bad, all people. Not even just people, but for the whole world, for everything that exists. It should be a universal thought and a universal prayer of everyone and everything. This is the Day of Atonement.

The Creator has specially given us such conditions so that we feel the need for our change toward the world.

Question: What would you wish people on this day?

Answer: Only to realize that they can change this world for the better through their appeals to the Creator, to each other. I do not wish anything else for them. And I hope that they will eventually understand.

Because, in principle, such serious actions are coming, sensation that the world will have to realize the personal participation of each and everyone in why the world is like this.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/18/23

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